Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hanging on

There are only a few things in life that are certain. 

1. The Lord, My God, is real.

2. When I don't write I feel like I'm going to explode.

3. Donuts and ice cream are a direct tangible blessing from Jesus Himself. 

So, basically, I need to write more consistently and that is a new goal I've set for myself as of late. 

Also, I have another mini offspring starting kindergarten in September so this is actually just a warning post about the obnoxiously emotional post that will come with the beginning of school. (Sorry. But, not really sorry because it's just what I do.)

There are some big changes happening in the Keffer house! We are moving soon in to a new house, leaving our current neighborhood, where we have so many memories! It's sad and happy all at the same time. 

I can NOT wait to hang a tire swing, plant a garden, get some chickens, and start wearing amazing hippie dresses. The house is great, but my main excitement resides in our new creek and woods to play in.

“Now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you, O Lord God, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever.””
2 Samuel 7:29 ESV

Leaving our current house will be weird. I love my current house so much! But, like we've told our kids all along, it doesn't matter WHERE you live. All that matters is, if all of your family you love are there too. A house is only a home with love and laughter...and God plopped right down in the middle.

Our new house will be a home. 

THAT is also something that's certain.

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